The list for Custom-Made Kanji goods

Sorts of Words

The following types are available. Please consult us about your desired concept. We will propose some suitable ones.



For example…

  • 天下無敵(No enemy in the world = The strongest in the world)
  • 天下一品(The most delicious in the world)


For example…

  • 光陰矢の如し(Time flies like an arrow)
  • 人生楽あれば苦あり(There are things in life that are both enjoyable and painful)

Proper noun

For example…

  • 地球(The earth)

Sorts of Medium of writing

There are many types besides the following. Please consult us about your desired concept. We will propose some suitable ones.

Hanging scroll

Square piece of fancy paper

For baby naming

Strip of paper

It is Narrow piece of fancy paper. 2000yen ~

Writing from left to right or right to left

Seal, stamp and branding-iron

Type A (colored characters) and Type B (Whit characters)

Size : 1cm ×1cm …….7.5cm×7.5cm

Shape : Square, rectangle, round

There are  various sizes and color(White, Pink …)

Made of natural stone

8000yen ~

T-shirt, Mobilephone case, baby wear,  etc.

⇒Original goods page
