Traditional Costumes

Kariginu 狩衣 – Aristocrat’s casual wear

Kariginu is an informal wear for men worn by the nobility from the Heian period onwards. Originally it was worn as hunting wear, but later became casual one. It’s very smart and cool!

We enclose the instructions of how to wear.

It takes time to ship because of producing it after receiving the order.

Please choose fabric and sleeve cords of Kariginu, color of Hitoe, fabric of Sasinuki or Sashiko, and Shaku or Fan.

Wear on byakue. Same shape as byakue.

Standard items to wear
Name Description (Simile in Western wear) Sample Photo
Tate-Eboshi 立烏帽子 / Kaichu-Tate-Eboshi懐中立烏帽子 / Kazaori-Eboshi 風折烏帽子 Hat / Folding hat



Kariginu 狩衣 / Hoi 布衣 Jacket

Kariginu (sleeve cords and an obi are attached)

Hoi (sleeve cords and an obi are attached)

Hitoe 単 Outer Shirt

Wear on byakue. Same shape as byakue.

Byakue 白衣(White kosode 白小袖) Inner Shirt
Juban 襦袢 Innerwear

Almost the same as byakue, but thin

Obi 帯 Belt for inner
Tabi 足袋 Socks
Asagutsu 浅沓 / Setta 雪駄 Shoes



Syaku 笏 / Ougi 扇  Mace / Hand Fan



Hakama袴(Sashinuki 指貫(奴袴) / Sashiko 差袴 Pants

Sashinuki Is rounded hem


To be precise,  fabrics of Kariginu have each pattern, and one made of fabric without patterns (solid color) is called “Hoi / Hoe 布衣”. The shape of Kariginu and Hoi is the same.

Set for first-time buyer : Byakue + Juban + Obi + Tabi

A la carte sale

Ikan 衣冠 – Semiformal court dress

Ikan was Men’s semiformal court dress for men worn by the nobility from the Heian period onwards.

Ikan Standard items
Name Description Sample Photo
Kammri 冠 Hat
Hou 袍 Jacket
Hitoe 単衣 Outer shirt

Wear on byakue. Same shape as byakue.

Kosode 小袖 Inner shirt
Juban 襦袢 Innerwear

Almost the same as byakue, but thin

Obi 帯 Inner belt
Sashinuki 指貫(奴袴) Pants
Tatou 帖紙 Pocket paper
Ougi 扇  Hand fan
Asagutsu 浅沓 Shoes

Noushi 直衣 – Aristocrat’s everyday robes

Noushi is everyday robes worn by males of the imperial family, nobility, etc. from the Heian period onward. It’s almost same as Ikan but isn’t same fabric and color.

Noushi Standard items
Name Description Sample Photo
Kammuri 冠 / Tate-Eboshi 立烏帽子 Hat



Hou 袍 Jacket
Idashi ginu 出衣 Outer shirt

Idashi ginu is the yellow fabric in this photo. It appears under the jacket. Its shape is same as hitoe.

Hitoe 単衣 Outer shirt

Wear on byakue. Same shape as byakue.

Kosode 小袖 Inner shirt
Juban 襦袢 Innerwear

Almost the same as byakue, but thin

Shiro-obi 白帯 White belt

Sashinuki 指貫(奴袴) Pants
Ougi 扇  Hand Fan
Asagutsu 浅沓 Shoes

Miko-Shozoku 巫女装束 – Shrine maiden’s wear

Miko-Shozoku is a women’s wear worn by shrine maiden.

Standard items
Name Description (Simile in Western wear) Sample Photo
Mizubiki 水引& Washi 和紙 Hair clip
Byakue 白衣 Shirt
Juban 襦袢 Innerwear
Shiro-obi 白帯 White belt
Koshimaki 腰巻 Underwear
Hibakama 緋袴 Red Pants
Shira-Tabi 白足袋 White Socks
Zori 草履 Shoes with red or white thong
Name Description Photo
Chihaya 千早 Outer Wear
kakeeri 掛衿 Decorative collar

Hitatare 直垂 Traditional wear from a long time ago

Hitatare was a clothe worn from Kofun period (about 300 to 538 AD), later it became a   formal dress only for Shogun or powerful Daimyos(feudal lords).

Hitatare Standard items
Name Description Sample Photo
Samurai eboshi 侍烏帽子 Hat
Hitatare 直垂 Jacket & Pants
Hitoe 単衣 Outer shirt

Wear on byakue. Same shape as byakue.

Kosode 小袖 Inner shirt
Juban 襦袢 Innerwear

Almost the same as byakue, but thin

Obi 帯 Inner Belt
Tabi 足袋 Socks
Zouri 草履 / Setta 雪駄 Shoes

Jacket and Pants are made of same fabric.

Kamishimo 裃 Samurai’s semiformal wear

Kamishimo is a formal wear worn by samurais from the Muromachi period to the Edo period onwards.

Standard items
Name Description Sample Photo
Kataginu 肩衣 Jacket with Family crests

with family crests

Hitoe 単衣 Outer Shirt
Kosode 小袖 Inner Shirt
Juban 襦袢 Innerwear
Obi 帯 Belt
Hakama 袴 (Regular / Long) Pants

Regular type

Long type

Tabi 足袋 Socks
Zouri 草履 / Setta 雪駄 / Geta下駄 Shoes

Setta / Zouri


Very cool!!

Kimono for women

Kimono for men

Yoroi Kabuto

Other Japanese wear





Please tell us your height, figure, head girth and shoes size.